
This is provided for the benefit of those Members and Guests who:

  1. Don’t like filling out long forms.
  2. Have no significant changes to make.

We are providing an online renewal form. Please fill it out (30 seconds or so)

Online membership form

If you need a paper form, please send an e-mail to

Men: Please identify how many Men’s Seats you actually need for Makom Kavuah, Shabbos and weekdays, whether or not you will be here for Yomim Noraim. This will help us find seats for our new members.

If you aren’t sure how many Guests will need seats, estimate and put “TBD” in the Comment section. I can check back before Yom Tov to confirm.

Family $900
Single $450
Associate $250
First Year $0

Questions? Please ask.

Dovid Kosoff, Seating Coordinator